Endurance GB
2021 - 2023
During my time working with Endurance GB, I held the responsibility of designing and overseeing the production of Endurance Magazine, a publication dedicated to disseminating news and information about endurance horse riding in the UK. The 48-page litho-printed magazine featured a saddle-stitched binding, a 200gsm silk gloss- coated cover, and 100gsm silk text pages.
The production process commenced with collaborative planning involving the client, editor, and advertising sales manager to develop a flat plan, ensuring accurate pagination for both editorial content and advertisements. Once the flat plan was confirmed and content supplied, I initiated the design and layout phase. Proofing involved a comprehensive review by myself, the editor, and a team of proofreaders provided by the client. The final clean proof was then submitted to the client, advertising team, and other stakeholders for approval. Following the agreed-upon spreads proof, I ensured the export of print-ready artwork and relevant paperwork to the printers, incorporating purchase orders generated from client-supplied mailing data.
Subsequently, I compiled necessary information for the distribution company. I would then initiate the digital export for upload to ISSUU, overseeing the digital distribution using the email marketing solution Brevo (formerly Send in Blue). I designed and executed email marketing campaigns for each issue, delivering content digitally to theendurance readership.